Friday, February 15, 2013

Trop d'Amour

A few days ago I gave my friend Jess' blog a mini-makeover :)

We thought up some icons of things that she loves, and I illustrated a pattern to include them. I then made a scrabble letter header with a cartoon portrait of her. I think it looks really fun and playful, just like Jess. Go to trop d'amour to read her blog!


Candy heart biscuits

So as I'm living the freelance life right now *cough unemployed cough* I decided to make something special for my favourite people for V-day.

I used Martha Stewart's sugar cookie recipe and Yuppiechef's instructions for flood icing. My cookies were a bit too soft, so rather leave them in for 12-15 minutes if you make big cookies like mine. The cookie recipe is all paranoid about overcooking, so I was misled. Martha you bitch.

Here's how mine went...(I should never be a product photographer)

PS. I got my heart cutters from Mr Price Home, super useful if you love the kitsch like me...


Happy belated Valentine's day my loves.
Hope you all had a great day with someone that makes your heart happy.

Thank you to my valentines for all my pressies! Got way too much for a single girl ;)


Back in the world of the living

After the last few months of stress, bookbinding, painting, drawing, etching, printing, photoshopping...I am done with Honours!

It was an up and down year, being a designer in an art school can sometimes feel quite lonely. But I finished and am really happy with how my final books came out. This course has really cemented my love of illustration, and I'm currently working on my first big illustration job so I'm obviously on some sort of right track (I think).

Here are some photos of my final exhibition taken by the lovely Beth and Jess...

Excited for what's